
Help The NObama Sticky Note Campaign Go Viral!

Here's how to get the campaign started in your own neighborhood. It takes very little effort, it costs almost nothing, and, most important of all, it helps other beleaguered members of the public to realize that they are no longer alone.

YourDaddy's Politics: The Sticky Note Campaign Hits Georgia Supermarkets

The Sticky Note Campaign is making deliveries in Georgia Supermarkets now. Super-Charged with Conservative ideals REAL Americans all over the country and even an awakened Democrat or two are now participating in this grass roots initiative. It's not a partisan issue either; no one can afford these rising prices at the gas pump or the grocery store.

I just realized that I need to order more FREE PRE-PRINTED Sticky notes from the Koch Brothers - gotta go now.

Be sure take pictures of your STICKY NOTES, upload them to your Facebook, TAG all your friends in the pics and then also be sure to share them with the event page.

Sticky note attached to grocery shelf below Cheerios: How's that Hopey Changey thing working for you? NObama 2012

Join the Official FaceBook Event by clicking here.

See the original photos at this FaceBook Gallery.


See it all here.

RedState: It’s fun. It’s easy. It’s cheap. Join the Sticky Note Campaign!

Here’s something we all can do — and all you need is some Post-It notes!

Sticky note attached to gasoline pump: Full of Hope and Change with an empty tank - NObama 2012

Sticky note attached to ground beef shelf in meat cooler: Hope & Change at work here - High Prices - Thanks, Obama!

Sticky note attached to milk shelf in dairy cooler: How hungry are you from Hope & Change? NObama 2012

Sticky note attached to bacon shelf in meat cooler: Hope & Change at work here! High Prices - Thanks, Obama!

A Facebook page has been set up for this campaign. The people behind it are encouraging people to send in photos of their own like the ones above.

To borrow a line from an old leftie, “…and, friends, they’ll think it’s a movement!”

By the way, I like the emphasis on food and gasoline, since the official Consumer Price Index does not include — are you ready for this? — food and energy!

Grocery prices increased 6.5% in March from early January, an annualized increase of 26%, according to a report from Consumer Growth Partners. The group called the rise the “sharpest in a generation.”

…A 25% increase in gasoline prices this year combines with higher food costs to take $18 billion out of monthly household spending on discretionary items… Consumer Growth said in its report, which compiles data from Target, Walmart and Aldi stores in four U.S. states.

No word on whether the price of sticky notes has gone up significantly. If we all do our part, however, demand should skyrocket!

Hat tip: Doug Ross / Cross-posted
Read the rest here.

Getting Started

  • Get some sticky notes, either regular or "Super Sticky," in whatever color you like. 3"x3" is the best size for this purpose.
  • Bring something to write with that won't run if it gets wet, such as an ordinary ballpoint pen, a Sharpie marker (the new retractable felt-tip is easier to carry), or even a pencil.
  • After posting each note, use your cellphone or a pocket camera to snap a photo of it before you leave.
  • If you have a Facebook account, please upload the photos to the Facebook event page as explained above.

Optional: Ordering Preprinted Sticky Notes

  • You can create your image ahead of time using your own graphic program (e.g., Photoshop or GIMP) and your own fonts. For an image that will be printed on a 3"x3" notepad, the original should be 900x900 pixels or larger. Alternatively, you can draw your art with black ink on white paper and scan the image at 300dpi or greater. Save the result in .png format.
  • If you are not equipped to create your own digital image, you can often use the design software provided by the print shop or office supply retailer to create your image. They can also scan and upload your artwork from paper if you don't have access to a scanner.
  • You may want to get together with your friends and fellow political activists to share the expense of ordering sticky note pads with several different messages.
  • A less expensive alternative is to order a self-inking rubber stamp with an image that will fit on a sticky note.
  • Sample sticky-note images created by 1389AD are shown below. Feel free to print from them, distribute them to others, and so forth, without restriction.

How's that hopey-changey thing workin' for ya? - Click for full-size art High fuel prices make EVERYTHING cost more! - Click for full-size art Drill, baby, drill! - Click for full-size art

Hope & Change turned out to be a lot of PORK! - Click for full-size art Empty wallet, nothing left but CHANGE! My only HOPE is NObama 2012! - Click for full-size art How's that hopey-changey thing working for you? - Click for full-size art

Inflation - it's what's for dinner! - Click for full-size art

Click each image to get free high-resolution reproducible art.

Sticky Note Campaign - Yes We Can


Sticky Note Campaign - Can't Afford Gas


Uploaded by KingSmokeRing on Apr 30, 2011

****** "America's GAS-ROOTS movement"! ******

visit https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=197324990309059

Purchase a pad of large sticky notes. Write on each one, "How's that Hope & Change working out for you?" Every time you stop to fill your vehicle with gas, place your sticky note somewhere on the pump before you drive away. DO NOT be destructive in ANY way! Place your sticky note somewhere, so as not to impede the next customer's ability to read the pump's digital readout.

After placing your sticky note, please consider taking a digital picture, then uploading it to our wall. Please tell us in which city and state the picture was taken. This is meant to be a "quiet" protest by our silent majority of Americans, to be served upon this administration!! Thank you all for your support!

Also see:

Originally published on 1389 Blog.

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